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Millions of people use people use PayPal because its faster and easier way to pay and receive payments online -but yet other people from developing countries are still unable to use this amazing service.
PayPal is widely famous online payment processing site which allow you to send, receive and withdraw money online.
In some countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan (see full unsupported countries here) you can only send but cannot receive and withdraw money. That is why PayPal is almost useless for those people who are from non-supported countries.
PayPal doesn’t support my country either but still I manage to receive and withdraw money direct to my bank account.
I entered in the internet marketing field before 3 years and exactly from that time I was able to receive payments from my customers without any hassles (read more about me here). You can too use my simple technique to receive payments for the service or job that you’ve complete for your clients.
How is that possible? Here how…
Your country doesn’t support PayPal but other online payment processing site really does! Yes i’m talking about third party payment process sites.
What is third party payment processing?
Don’t be afraid just because there’s a word ‘third party’ in it.
These are the site where you can receive payments and provide your customers the numerous option to pay. This mean your buyer or customer have many choice and can pay you via Credit/Debit card, bank/wire transfer, Moneybookers, check and of course PayPal.
The Whole Process
There’s some reliable and well known third party payment processors which you can rely on.
I have been using Plimus and 2CO as my third part part payment process since my first step of internet marketing journey -I do recommend you to use it too.
For this, you don’t even need to have PayPal account but if the buyer wants to pay via PayPal they can choose that option and pay you in no time!
You don’t have to do anything -give a link to pay, your client pays you and third party processor does rest of the work.
First you need to choose reliable processor (I prefer Plimus but it has quite high fees comparing to 2CO). Signup for new account -usually they first, verify the ownership to confirm that you’re the real owner of the site you submitted during signup process.
Once you verify the ownership you’re ready to sell something or provide service to your client and then receive payments without any hassles!
Wait, I have product to sell and service to offer -whats next?
Simple. Create buy now page in your website and include buy now button in the same page. Now, whenever your clients wants to pay you, refer them to your ‘buy now’ page -they’ll click ‘buy now’ button and complete process. Make sure you’ve setup the price in the ‘buy now’ button. You’ll get full information in their instruction page -just make sure you don’t violet their terms of service.
One important thing you need to know is, your customer must have paid you using the ‘buy now’ (payment) link of your website. You can create a payment link and place it anywhere within your website (remember the website URL must be the same as you submitted to them during signup process). So don’t use the ‘buy now’ payment link in others website or elsewhere.
Benefit of using this process
Once your client complete the payment process go to your account (Plimus or 2CO) and you’ll see money is added to your account.
You can now withdraw all your money and have it to your own hand. Just choose payment redeem option as Bank Transfer or Post Mail. Bank transfer is more secure and its what I’ve using now.
It may take few business days to complete bank transfer process. When transfer is completed go to the bank and check your account if it has updated with money. Of course it has!
Do it now…
While many people are having online payment processing issue, whose country doesn’t support PayPal, third party payment processor works great and this might be a great solution.
So its thousand time better to use this method if you really want to get real money in your own hand -get money not just to your online account but receive it in your real hand!
Are you from PayPal unsupported country? What attempts have you tried to receive money from your clients who only have option to pay using PayPal? Share your ideas via comment below.
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